about us

A Servant is the person who has the power of love, sound mind and the passion to serve. He is always in power of love; he knows that “if you want to stay in power, you should love people”. A Servant is there to serve not to be served; he is convinced that he was born to serve others. A good servant does not serve for a reward, he simply wants to make happy others and serve his Master; no matter how bad the situation could be, He is determined to serve. He knows that quitters never win, and winners never quit, he always tries to be a superman, he knows that life is tough and that problems are inevitable but, problems produce persistence for him in serving at a greater service. He keeps on serving and never gives up; he wants to release people from ignorance and poverty. He knows how small he is and how big he could be


Once a Person discovers how small he/she is and how big he could be, he discovers that each and everyone was born with a talent that must be developed to release children, girl child and adolescents from the permanent pain of ignorance and poverty.


We are convinced that we were born to serve not to be served, we motivate adolescents, children and Today’s girl child to discover and develop their talents to serve and release the entire community from the pain of ignorance and poverty. We particularly pay attention to the girl child who will be the mother of tomorrow, as said by Mahatma Gandhi, once the woman is on move, the households’ moves and the country moves and She takes all the pains for the entire family to release the community from their ignorance and poverty thus, we build tomorrow in a sustainable way.


The Simple Servants and its Members shall operate and abide by the following core values:

  • MUTUAL RESPECT, requiring them to recognize the innate worth of all people and the value of diversity;
  • EQUITY AND JUSTICE, requiring them to work to ensure equal opportunity for everyone, irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, colour, class, ethnicity, disability, location or religion;
  • HONESTY AND TRANSPARENCY, being accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of their actions and open in their judgments and communications with others;
    bias in their commitment to the fight against poverty.


  • To facilitate children, adolescents, and girl children to discover their talents or gifts and develop this to serve the community to break the cycle of ignorance and poverty.
  • To motivate teenagers to avoid drugs and alcohol abuse and be determined to be heroes, leaders, and visionist with the passion and determination to release people from their pain of ignorance and poverty.
  • To promote child rights and adequate parental care to prevent family disintegration and family cohesion to break the cycle of ignorance and poverty.
  • To contribute to the education of the girl child and mothers to contribute to the socio-economic development and take away all the pains of ignorance and poverty to create a peaceful and abundant world.